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Thilo Ullrich

Lawyer | Partner
Specialized Lawyer in Labour Law



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Negotiations with Trade Unions and Workers' Councils

T +49 30 88 060 910
F +49 30 88 060 919

Areas of expertise


Individual and Collective Labour Law

Negotiations with Works Councils and Trade Unions


Agreements with Managing Directors and Members of the Board

Liability of Managing Directors and Members of the Board







Decommissioning of a metals industry factory with 200 employees, including negotiations with works councils and trade unions on a reconciliation of interests and social compensation plan (Saxony)

Negotiated a house tariff agreement with trade unions (Bremerhaven)

Restructuring the production site of a truck manufacturer with the reduction of over 700 jobs and the shut-down of a further site, as well as the relocation of the production to abroad, including negotiations with works councils and unions on a reconciliation of interests and social compensation plan (each Baden-Wuerttemberg)

Restructuring of a manufacturer of excavators with a reduction by 330 jobs, including consultations during a three-month strike and as well as the negotiations with the works council and trade unions on a reconciliation of interests and social compensation plan (Berlin)

Restructuring of a crane construction company with reduction of 50 jobs, including the negotiation with the works council (Brandenburg)

Ongoing consultation on employment law to various subsidiaries of the Fiat Group

Consultation to the managing board of a shipyard during the crisis

Consultation of the Supervisory Board of a MDAX company during the crisis

Negotiations regarding C-level agreements/ members of the board of a MDAX company

Consultation of board member regarding his termination of the management agreement with a foreign energy supplier, including negotiations

Comprehensive employment law-related due Diligence to a company with 3,500 employees worldwide, including subsequent implementation of purchasing structures



JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2020/2021 “Frequently recommended counsel”

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2019/2020 “Frequently recommended counsel”

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2018/2019 “Frequently recommended counsel”

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2017/2018 “Frequently recommended counsel” ("really good" - competitor)

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2014/2015 “Frequently recommended counsel”

Legal 500, 2015 “Recommended counsel”

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2013/2014 “Frequently recommended counsel”

Professional background and education


Since 2017

Hyazinth, Partner


Wegnerpartner, Partner


WilmerHale Berlin, Associate


Kammergericht Berlin, Assessorexamen (German equivalent to Bar Exam) including stage in Sydney, Australia


Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg i. Br., Legal studies, including stays in London and New York City

Published works (selection)


“Arbeitgebertage zum Brennpunkt Betriebsrat” (Employer‘s Workshop focusing on Works Councils) von PraxisCampus, Langjähriger Referent zu diversen kollektivrechtlichen Themen, z. B. Durchführung Anhörung des Betriebsrats, Senkung Betriebsratskosten

Zur Haftung von CROs und arbeitsrechtlichen Stolpersteinen (On the Liability of CROs and Employment Law Obstacles), Ständiger Referent auf dem CRO-Training von Handelsblatt/Euroforum

“Outsourcing in Hospitals – Impact of Employment and Labour Law” in: Hospital, vol. 11, 1/2009

“Bonus Payment in Case of Omitted Target Agreement: Compensation Claim by Employees” in: SAE 2008, p. 316

“Missing Goals” in: Capital Investor Nr. 29, p. 20

“Continuation of a Resting Employment Agreement in Case of Entering into a Managing Director Service Agreement only under Particular Circumstances” in: SAE 2008, p. 117

“Validity of Trilateral Agreements/Termination Agreements Confirmed in Principle in the Context of Restructuring Businesses by Transfer of Undertaking” in: SAE 2007, p. 344

“Legitimacy of Establishing a Group Works Council at Foreign-Based Companies?”in: DB 2007, p. 2710

“Die Domino-Theorie fällt” (The Domino Theory Falls) in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 29 November 2006 (co-authored with Dr. Anja Mengel)

“Arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte unternehmensinterner Investigations” (Employment Law Aspects of Internal Corporate Investigations) in: NZA 2006, p. 240 (co-authored with Dr. Anja Mengel)

“Erste praktische Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Recht der Beschäftigungs- und Qualifizierungsgesellschaften” (First Practical Experiences with the New Employment and Qualification Agencies) in: BB 2005, p. 1109 (co-authored with Dr. Anja Mengel)

“Auswirkungen des § 4 S.2 BetrVG auf den Betriebsbegriff im Rahmen von § 111 BetrVG” (Impact of Section 4 (Sentence 2) of the German Works Constitution Act on the Definition of a “Business” in the Context of Section 111 of the Works Constitution Act) in: NZA 2004, p. 1308



German Laywers‘ Association

Initiative Hauptstadt Berlin


Real von Chamisso

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New address | From June 1st, 2022 you will find us at Lennéstrasse 1, 10785 Berlin.