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Dr. Johannes Bethge

Lawyer | Managing Associate
Managing Associate

Antitrust Law

Regulatory Law

Public Commercial Law

Constitutional Law

European Law

T +49 30 88 060 910
F +49 30 88 060 919

Areas of expertise


Regulated Industries

Antitrust Compensation (Litigation)

Constitutional Law

European Law

Administrative Law







Acting on behalf of a state government in administrative and civil court proceedings regarding overpaid track access charges

Acting on behalf of several municipalities in administrative court proceedings regarding state liability claims based on the failure to transpose the EU working time directive

Acting on behalf of a police authority in administrative court proceedings regarding cost issues of administrative cooperation

Advising a music festival with 70,000 visitors on questions of public security law in the approval process before the authorities

Advising the municipal authorities of a large city on containment measures during the COVID Pandemic

Professional background and education


Since 2020



Dombert Rechtsanwälte, Potsdam


Research visit at European University Institute, Italy


Study and Research visit at Princeton University (Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, VSRC)


Postgraduate studies at Humboldt University Berlin


Research Associate at the Chair of public law, especially constitutional law, and philosophy of law, Humboldt University Berlin


Berlin (Kammergericht) and Karlsruhe (Federal Constitutional Court), Assessorexamen (German equivalent to Bar Exam)


Complementary course "Legal Integration in Europe"


University of Bologna, Italy


Legal Studies, University of Göttingen

Published works (selection)


Der Sachverhalt der Normenkontrolle, Mohr Siebeck 2020

Entschädigungsansprüche für Öffnungsverbote im Rahmen der Corona-Bekämpfung, NordÖR 2020, S. 329–335 (gemeinsam mit Maximilian Dombert)

Wessen (Un)Wissen? Zur Tatsachengrundlage der Einschätzungsprärogative, in: Münkler (Hg.), Dimensionen des Wissens im Recht, 2019, S. 201-215



Europa-Union Deutschland e.V.

Büro zur Umsetzung von Gleichbehandlung e.V.

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New address | From June 1st, 2022 you will find us at Lennéstrasse 1, 10785 Berlin.